Premises Liability Attorneys in Austin, TX

Premises Liability Attorneys In Austin, TX

If you or someone you love suffered an injury on someone else’s property in the Austin area, you may be able to recover compensation from the property owner or manager. In Texas, strict premises liability laws can hold property owners liable when guests suffer injuries due to unsafe conditions. A Austin premises liability lawyer from The Buche Law Firm, PC, can evaluate your case and advise you of your legal options.

Our Austin personal injury attorneys offer a free initial case evaluation at which a dedicated member of our staff can sit down with you, go over the details of your case and let you know what to expect. We have a long track record of assisting injured clients in Texas and want to put our knowledge and experience to work for you. To speak with a member of the The Buche Law Firm, PC team today, call 512-215-4997.

Premises Liability Attorneys in Texas

In Texas, people who own or manage properties have a long list of duties to uphold. These responsibilities revolve around keeping all guests to their property as safe as reasonably possible. When a property owner or manager fails to uphold those duties, resulting in an injury to a guest, the injured party can pursue compensation in a premises liability case. The Buche Law Firm, PC, helps injured clients in Southern Texas, and elsewhere, collect the compensation they deserve.

Texas’ premises liability laws require property owners and managers to do two things:

Texas Property Owners Must Keep Their Premises Safe and Free From Hazardous Conditions

The premises liability laws in Austin and Southern Texasrequire property owners to remain aware of what is going on at their properties at all times. These laws apply to owners and managers of residential, commercial and industrial properties. When any dangerous condition arises, the owner or manager must take prompt steps to address it before it hurts someone. Examples of hazardous conditions that harm guests and result in property owners being held liable include:

  • Wet/slippery floors
  • Potholes, or uneven/cracked pavement
  • Loose or missing stairs
  • Loosing or missing handrails on staircases
  • Inadequate lighting
  • Unmarked obstacles on floor (e.g., wires, extension cords, small objects)
  • Unsecured pools or other swimming areas
  • Exposed electrical wires
  • Aggressive animals
  • Toxic chemicals


If you or your loved one suffered injury on someone else’s property because of anything listed above — or because of something not listed above — The Buche Law Firm, PC, can help. Our team wants the opportunity to sit down with you and learn how we can help. To schedule a consultation today, call us at 512-215-4997.

When Hazardous Conditions Arise, Texas Property Owners and Managers Must Protect Visitors From Them

No matter how vigilant a property owner or manager is about keeping their premises in top shape, dangerous conditions inevitably emerge from time to time. It could be a light fixture that comes loose, a spill on a hard floor surface or a pothole that opens up in a sidewalk or parking lot. Whatever the situation, the owner or manager must immediately recognize the hazard and, while it is in the process of being prepared, take adequate steps to protect guests.

How might a property owner protect guests from hazardous conditions on the premises? As an example, if the condition involves a wet or slippery floor, the owner or manager should post clearly visible signage alerting guests to the situation and should physically block off the affected area. If the condition involves a staircase or stairwell, the owner or manager should erect barriers to prevent guests from using those stairs.

If you or someone you love was injured by a dangerous condition on someone else’s property, the The Buche Law Firm, PC, team will investigate the circumstances of your injury and gather evidence showing that:

  • The property owner or manager did not take sufficient steps to prevent the hazardous condition from emerging, or
  • The property owner or manager did not do enough to protect you from the condition once it emerged.


To speak with a member of the team at The Buche Law Firm, PC, today about your premises liability case, call our office in Texas at 512-215-4997.

Why Choose a Texas Premises Liability Attorneys From The Buche Law Firm, PC

The premises liability attorneys at The Buche Law Firm, PC, pride themselves on giving our clients skilled and aggressive legal representation coupled with first-rate client service. We want your experience with us to be the best of any attorney you have ever worked with.

Perhaps you have used other lawyers in the past. Our goal is for you to recognize, from day one, what sets us apart from the rest.

Our premises liability law firm in Southern Texas offers you:

A Full Investigation Into Your Premises Liability Injury

When it comes to winning a premises liability lawsuit, it is essential to have overwhelming evidence of the property owner or manager’s negligence. Our team pours extensive resources into investigating every aspect of your injury, making it clear that the defendant was responsible.

We collect evidence that may include the following and more:

  • Police reports
  • Statements from witnesses
  • Photographs
  • Surveillance footage
  • Past documented issues at the property in question
  • Medical records
  • Statements made by the property owner or manager


A Free Initial Consultation

We want to make sure you are 100 percent confident in our ability to represent you in your premises liability case. So we offer a free, no-obligation case evaluation and consultation to all new clients in our Austin office.

No Win, No Fee

The premises liability lawyers at The Buche Law Firm, PC, are as passionate as you are about winning your case. That is why we do not collect a fee until we win you money. If you do not get paid, neither do we.

A Full Investigation Into Your Premises Liability Injury

When it comes to winning a premises liability lawsuit, it is essential to have overwhelming evidence of the property owner or manager’s negligence. Our team pours extensive resources into investigating every aspect of your injury, making it clear that the defendant was responsible.

We collect evidence that may include the following and more:

  • Police reports
  • Statements from witnesses
  • Photographs
  • Surveillance footage
  • Past documented issues at the property in question
  • Medical records
  • Statements made by the property owner or manager


Trial Experience

Often, our premises liability lawyers can extract a substantial settlement from the property owner or their insurer without having to go to court. When this happens, you get paid faster, and it prevents a potentially lengthy legal process, so it is always our first goal.

But if the other side will not agree to compensate you fairly, our attorneys do not hesitate to file a lawsuit and take your case before a jury. We have a very successful record at trial and know how to maintain the upper hand when presenting the evidence in your case.

To schedule a free consultation with a member of the The Buche Law Firm, PC, team today, call 512-215-4997.

The Buche Law Firm, PC, Fights for the Full Compensation You Deserve for Your Premises Liability Injury

Our premises liability lawyers help you recover the full slate of damage for which you qualify. These may include:

  • Current and future medical bills
  • Lost income from work
  • Reduced future earning capacity
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional anguish
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Scarring and disfigurement


The Statute of Limitations on Premises Liability Lawsuits in Texas

Texas has an two year statute of limitations on premises liability cases. The clock starts the day of your injury. If the statute runs out, you could lose the right to recover damages, no matter how strong the evidence is in your favor. Our premises liability lawyers can take quick legal action if necessary to forestall any looming deadlines. For a free case evaluation, call us at 512-215-4997.

Schedule a Case Evaluation Today by Calling The Buche Law Firm, PC, at 512-215-4997

The Southern Texas premises liability lawyers at The Buche Law Firm, PC, are ready to get to work on your case right away. We can help you recover the money you deserve for your injury. To speak with a member of our team, call 512-215-4997.

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