Legal Malpractice Attorneys in Austin
The attorney-client relationship is one of the most important relationships in our society. Clients confide in their attorneys and expect that their legal matters are handled ethically, and competently. Attorneys owe their clients fiduciary duties, and they are obligated to practice in a manner that upholds a reasonable professional standard of care.
Reason for Legal Malpractice in Austin
Unfortunately, not all attorneys are created equal. And not all attorneys always operate in a manner that is in the best interest of their clients. Some attorneys are simply not as good as others, but because of the position of trust, attorneys have the ability to cause serious harm to their clients if they fail to uphold standards of care. When standards of professional care are not upheld, clients have rights against their attorneys for legal malpractice and breach of fiduciary duties.
Professional legal malfeasance can take many forms. In some cases, it could be missed deadlines. In others, it could be related to operating outside of appropriate fields of expertise or experience, and causing a bad result. In other cases, undisclosed conflicts of interest can also cause harm. While grievance boards may provide some relief to clients, they may not always help clients with the financial consequences of bad legal representation. Sometimes, the only way to deal with bad attorneys is by hiring good ones.
For Legal Malpractice Attorneys, Call The Buche Law Firm, PC
If you believe you have a case of legal malpractice against your attorneys, please contact us to discuss your case. There is no charge for an initial consultation. In some cases, we may agree to handle malpractice claims on a contingency.
Our Legal Professionals

John Karl Buche
With more than two decades of experience, John provides clients with counsel in matters of civil, injury, business and intellectual property law.

Garett Gray
With over a decade of experience as a disability representative registered with the Social Security Office, Garett Gray specializes in working on disability claims

Byron Ma
Byron Ma is of counsel to The Buche Law Firm, PC in Austin. Byron has experience with patent prosecution matters as well as patent, trademark, and copyright litigation.

Bryce A. Johnson
Bryce Johnson is a partner of The Buche Law Firm, PC in the Austin, Texas office, and his practice focuses on patents and intellectual property.